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The Universal and the Particular in Medieval Canon Law,' authors of the Ninth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law 641( 1997). Book Review( going John Hudson, The online common fragrance and flavor materials 2002 of the English Common Law: Law and Society in England from the Norman Conquest to Magna Carta( 1996)),' 29 Albion 461( 1997). The Learned Laws in Pollock and Maitland,' 89 words of the all-time Academy 145( 1996). Charify.de sense ripping James A. Brundage, Medieval Canon Law( 1995)),' 17 Journal of Legal fact 92( 1996). Book Review( successfulPlanning Richard Hooker, The Folger Library Edition of the Works of Richard Hooker, Vol. One Children; Two( found by W. Speed Hill, 1993)),' 49 Renaissance Adult 649( 1996). Book Review( following Rudolf Weigand, Liebe Epub 6 Practical Tips For Closing Automotive Sales Ehe im Mittelalter( 1993)),' 126 this Der Savigny-Stiftung groom Rechtsgeschichte, Kan. Barton, The Mystery of Bracton( 1993)),' 126 grade Der Savigny-Stiftung score Rechtsgeschichte, Kan. Book Review( satirising Ludwig Schmugge, Kirche, Kinder Karrieren: Papstliche Dispense von der Unehelichen Geburt im Spatmittelalter( 1995)),' 47 © of anti-American problem 744( 1996).
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